WSC Devlog (October)
Hello everyone! It's been about a month since my last update so I am checking in with you all on WSC.
The current word count is 404,000 words and 87% of the way to the target word count. ╰(*°▽°*)╯
When I first started this project I thought that, surely, I'd keep it below 350k. LoL
(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
So what have I been up to writing-wise...?
Working on Chapter 8 and chapter 9 mostly. I am about halfway through all the chapter 9 content for the four remaining characters.
In my last update, I said the story splits at the start of chapter 9 - this was...wrong. Originally the story did split at Chapter 9 but then I added a chapter early on (New chapter 3) and the paths actually now split at chapter 10, so I completely misspoke last time because my brain short circuited and I forgot that I have an extra chapter now.
┗( T﹏T )┛
I have finished Kav up to chapter 9 and I have finished Noel up to chapter 9. I am now starting on Raif's content for Chapter 9.
I have also been editing early chapters. I have a whole document of revisions that I intend to make and while I don't normally write out of sequence, because there are some more significant plot and motivation changes, it's been helpful to write some of them into early chapters because they do somewhat alter how things are going to go through the final chapters.
Like before, I've received 2 new BGs + one new sketch.
I've been working on some other things but need more time to get it to a useful state for the game so maybe I'll include it in next month's update!
And unfortunately these things don't rely exclusively on me so I somewhat have to wait on other people to be available to help. 💪
Upcoming month(s)
Writing, of course.
That's my main focus until the end of the year. I have around 60,000 words left to hit my target word count, which is probably a little too low actually. But I'll adjust that if I need to later on.
Between them, Raif and Yren have about 16,000 words of content in Chapter 9 - about 3000 of that is written. My goal is to get the rest of that complete in the next couple of weeks. Afterwards, I will probably be focusing on fully completing each character's route one by one (which means writing all three of their final chapters before moving to the next character.)
For anyone who hasn't followed my developer process for my previous two projects, I typically do a pretty extensive editing phase. Though it's obviously not as long as drafting, I do want to get a full structural edit done before I start releasing the chapters one by one.
I know I will be drafting through November and December, then editing through January.
February is where things get fuzzy, because I really can't estimate how much time I'll need to spend editing. I've never written a project structured like this before, which means I've never edited a project structured like this before. That makes it really difficult to estimate how long it will take.
In addition, I am having to wait on the new BG artist to create the necessary BGs. I'm hoping that by the end off January, I will have all the necessary backgrounds for the first couple of chapters.
Some of the features I need help coding are relying on help from a friend whose schedule I'm not sure about for the next few months.
So I'm still not 100% sure on when you can expect the first update. Hopefully Q1 of 2023, though!
Get When Stars Collide
When Stars Collide
A science fantasy romance adventure.
Status | In development |
Author | Steamberry Studio |
Genre | Visual Novel, Adventure |
Tags | Amare, Character Customization, Cyberpunk, Dating Sim, Fantasy, Otome, Sci-fi, space-opera |
Languages | English |
More posts
- Patreon Early Acces + March Devlog10 days ago
- February Devlog (a week or so early)38 days ago
- Episode 2 release (and Jan devlog)65 days ago
- Episode 2 EA and December Wrap-up93 days ago
- Episode 2 Beta released on PatreonNov 24, 2024
- When Stars Collide - Episode One ReleaseOct 20, 2024
- September DevlogSep 26, 2024
- August DevlogSep 01, 2024
- July Wrap - UpJul 27, 2024
- June DevlogJun 29, 2024
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Is it morally acceptable for my delight to increase exponentially with the word count? I understand it means more work for one of my favorite creators, and I absolutely wish you and your beautiful brain well, but. . .the content. :)
you? keep it under 350k?
*90's anime villain laugh* don't be a silly-billy.
I was....I was trying so hard though.
*wasn't really trying that hard* LoL
I feel like you planning that word count created a self fulfilling counter prophecy. You have to over achieve the goal!
I think you mean Q1 of 2024 😂
To be fair I also can't believe its OCTOBER already! In fact its almost November! Theres TWO months untill the new year, where did the time go?
I am literally travelling back in time to release this! Don't question my methods! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Seriously though. This year felt like it went by so fast and so slow at the same time. The last few months have been extremely chaotic for me and that always seems to slow things to a crawl. But the first half of the year just zipped past!
How have you found writing and doing the art for a gender variable MC? Has it felt like a lot of extra work? Or has it been manageable?
Art-wise, it remains to be seen. I'm not working on much art at the moment but I'm sure my hand will start hating me again at some point. 😌 I'm looking forward to finding ways to mitigate the workload though (it's one reason that Wil's base shares certain traits like the shoulder width no matter which one you use. It will allow me to use that to my advantage to avoid re-draws when possible). Which sounds weird but it's more like...I'm looking forward to the challenge and figuring out what that balance looks like. I kind of view all my projects as a bit of a petri dish where I can experiment and learn. And this is one example of figuring out how to use things like CG composition to my advantage. It seems like it'll be an interesting learning experience.
The gap between episodes will be where I'm working on art so we'll see how that turns out.
Writing the gender-variable character is not that much extra work honestly. Definitely manageable.
- The pronouns are just variables, so there's no extra work needed when referring to Wil as any particular pronoun. I just put something like [they] and the correct one will get substituted in as needed. Since early chapters, I've not needed to add additional verb conjugations or descriptive noun (at least not so far) variables. Most of those were created fairly early in the process and once the foundation was there, I really haven't needed to add on. Every so often a new one crops up and I have to go into the lists and add more options but it's pretty uncommon at this point. But all the pronoun stuff just looks like this in the script. It's not additional work to do this:
(it was additional work to set this up, of course. But I used an existing tool and it's essentially all done now)
- There will probably be some extra testing needed to make sure there aren't any stray, unbracketed they/thems around though, but you have to test anyway so I'm not sure much 'extra' it really is. I think testers found a few before I released chapter 1 as well. And Wil gets referred to in third person much more when it's early on and they're being introduced to everyone. Later, there are chapters where it doesn't happen at all, so this is less of a concern.
- In terms of other writing and variations...I just don't feel that - apart from a few allusions to anatomy - there's much difference in how I write Wil. Personalities, of course, aren't gender-specific. So how Wil responds to things doesn't change or anything.
Most of the extra 'work' is in planning and thinking about how to phrase certain things. There are times I'm writing and realise that I could have a variation in the text, and I have to pause to think about whether it's warranted or not. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. It's very case-by-case.
But honestly this kind of thing is pretty uncommon and it's hard to quantify because I have to stop and think about things all the time. I'm writing alien LIs. There are anatomy questions that I need to answer for myself. That's 'extra work' compared to writing human LIs in Gilded Shadows. LoL Having to plan around character specifications is a normal part of writing anyway whether it's a gender variable MC or alien 🍆.
Even when I do require variations for Wil, it's often just a single sentence or a few words. I'm not having to re-write entire paragraphs.
I mean, setting up variations or variables and conditional statements is "more work" but it's very negligible at this point.
Is this code:
more work than:
Technically, yes? But also...we're talking like 45 seconds more work. So...🤷
The main difference between writing a gender-variable MC vs a gender-locked MC (so far and to me) is that I have to think about and question a lot of things that are normally more automatic when writing, say, Morgan in Gilded Shadows.
In GS, when writing the love scenes (which aren't explicit anyway), I didn't really have to worry about what I was implying about what part was getting inserted where and by whom.
In WSC, the love scenes are still not explicit. But I do have to think more about what might be implied by what I'm writing. Even if they aren't graphic, you can still draw conclusions about what the text is implying is happening. So I have to pause and consider that more carefully.
I guess in some ways more thinking is more work. But on the other hand, that doesn't always translate to more words or variations or coding or anything like that; sometimes it just means writing with more awareness. And, again, it's hard to quantify because MC's gender is not the only thing that requires some extra thinking - or even extra variations.
Anyway, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. 🤣🤣 One day I will figure out how to respond without 1000 words of text.
I agree that the actual variation you need to put in for a gender variable MC is minimal. Like you said "Personalities aren't gender-specific". But it makes me so excited that you are putting as much thought into it as you are. While I don't need everything catered to me specifically and it can actually be really good to experience a romance from a different point of view, I am very excited to see a MC that is more relatable to myself in one of your worlds.
I think I expected it to be more work, and in some games maybe it would be. One thing you learn fast is that every game is very different, so what applies to one may not apply to another. But that's why I like to experiment. It helps me work out what is actually feasible for me and what I enjoy writing.
It's fun to work on different things and, honestly, customisation as a feature is a lot more accessible to small devs than it was a few years ago. There are a lot of tools available now to help us do things like recolour art or add in pronouns in a simpler way. It opens up a lot of possibility.
I hope Wil is an enjoyable character for you in the final game. They're fun to write sometimes (they can be such a gremlin. ha ha). 🤣