Quill's Route Release

Quill's route has been released.

To access Quill's route you simply need to choose to find a place to hide vs fleeing when MC is being pursued in the rain. 

Please consider starting a new game to begin this route.

While there shouldn't be any save compatibility issues, there were minor changes to some of the other routes (primarily typo fixes or minor wording changes for continuity) as well. If you do run into a game-breaking error after loading an old save (particularly when trying to use 'rollback'), please start a new game and see if the error still occurs before you report it.

Reuben's route is the next one I will be working on. It's currently about 60% drafted. I will be spending the next couple of months working on the rough draft and editing. I'll be sure to keep you updated in the meantime!

ETA: Both the content guide and walkthrough should be updated. If you have any issues accessing the new walkthrough, let me know!



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Loved Quill's friend and would so be interested in a route for him (but maybe it would look too similar to Quill's own route). Just thought his story about choosing between surgery and citizenship was really sad and interesting. Would be an interesting exploration of intimacy looking different for different people given his physical limitations and abilities outside the realm of humans.

Also would be interested in him meeting the lady from Endgame's team who is... what percent cybernetic?? Hmmm suspicious of how she maintains citizenship???

Locke is a great character. <3 Though I don't think intimacy with him would be all that different, at least not if you're referring to what types of cybernetics he has. Aside from his arms, most of his cybernetics are internal - though he has some other external pieces down the sides of his legs/hips. I guess since you only ever see him clothed, it gives the impression that his entire body is cybernetic, but it's not. In any case it wouldn't matter that much. Lance is more cybernetic than Locke is. LoL!

I think it would be interesting to explore a story involving Locke finding Morgan instead of Quill, though. But you're right that the overall plot might end up being pretty similar. It would be the romantic development that would flow differently.

As far as Locke and Vanessa meeting - I don't think it would be that interesting. Locke knows tons of cybernetic augments like himself. I doubt he'd even pay much attention to Van if they met, honestly. 

As for how she maintains citizenship - Van is just under the biosynth threshold, but it wouldn't matter. Braesil has different biosynth policies than New Albion anyway.

Ah ok! I forgot the headquarters is in a different city! I assumed that they were being hypocrites and keeping her on the team because they need her and overlooked her percentage of augment.

Locke seemed to fatigue quickly and seemed like he would be more physically challenged to do intense cardio (but there are ways to overcome this obviously and I just enjoy situations where characters talk about intimacy and thought it would be interesting/heartwarming/steamy).

I would pay for an extra route with Locke so if you see it as a possibility then go for it! I really like him too <3

Ah - that makes sense somewhat. But there are so many ways to deal with lack of stamina in intimate situations I just wasn't thinking of that as a big hurdle to get over. LoL!

As far as extra routes, I don't know that I'll want to do any more after I've finished the 9th one. Recently I was talking in my Discord server about how I think there are still a lot of stories in this setting and with the cast but I'm not sure how many more stories I can tell about Morgan specifically.

Maybe if I have another main character at some point I can consider other routes! =D

It just isn't a hurdle I see jumped very often, even though (you're right) it isn't a challenging one. I really like the variety you give intimate scenes and how you describe and have the characters talk about them. A lot of games I have played don't have the right kind pf pacing, are very one sided, give into heavy cliches, etc.

Ooooh that would be interesting! I hadn't thought about it from that perspective of wanting to tell a different side to the MC in each route, but it makes sense now that I think about it. You could also have this new MC be someone we meet in this story. Would Morgan still be having her story go on in the background though idk. I should really check Discord more often. I usually get overwhelmed with the notifications from my other groups and close it...


Love his route! Interesting having a view of her life where she only casually practices her abilities and mostly focuses on life and community <3

Love the focus on defining what human is really and the repercussions that I think will be for the better at the end of this route.




*inhuman shrieking*


(っ °Д °;)っ *screeches*




Congratulations! So excited for the new route :)


Yay! <3 Congrats!

Thank you! 💪


This is such an awesome surprise! I'm excited to see the new stuff... and to replay some of my fave routes, too. n__n

I hope you find his route fun! ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆


Ooo I was looking forward to his route! Can't wait to play it!

Hope you enjoy it! ~( ̄▽ ̄)~*


awesome thanks!!



i finished quill's route! I really enjoyed all the characters, thanks so much for all your hard work and definetly looking forward to Reuben but ofc no rush don't push yourself too hard <3

Thank youuu! I'm glad you liked it.. 🤩


After a long week of college exams this is just what I needed. Thank you for your hard work!!

Aww! I hope it helps you relax and feel better! It's a pretty chill route, overall! 💖💖

This just made my week, so excited!!!!! Thanks so much!

Yay! Hope you enjoy it! ╰(*°▽°*)╯


This was such an unexpected surprise thank you!! Quill is such an interesting character and seems like his route will offer a very different perspective and more world building :D I know what will be keeping me up tonight omg.

Apologies if this is a personal question, but is there a reason that your Tumblr is now gone :( ? I might've missed where you announced it but I loved your blog!


Thank you! I hope you enjoy it.

The tumblr blog is alive and well! I'm not sure why it would seem like it's missing (but I've seen stray posts like this before - where people thought they were blocked [I don't really block anyone] or thought the blog was missing. I'm not sure why) ;A;



Oh thank you for the link!! It must be the Tumblr mobile app glitching because your link worked just fine :P classic Tumblr 


Such a fantastic way to start my day!

~( ̄▽ ̄)~*



Finally! Right? LoL!


I love you!♥


I love you too! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)




╰(*°▽°*)╯ Huzzah!


I can't wait to play it!

I hope you like it!





Yay! I hope you enjoy it!
